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dql - web scraping library for Deno with GraphQL syntax

dql is a web scraping module for Deno and Deno Deploy that integrates the power of GraphQL queries. It is a fork of denoql with Deno Deploy compat, GraphQL variables support and improved types.

#library #deno #webdev
Civet — new TypeScript-like programming language with expressive syntax

It's inspired by how CoffeeScript made JS simpler to write but here it integrates TC39 proposals and makes ES6 code easier to write

Some features:
— Pipeline operator (|>)
— Custom operators (with operator keyword)
do expressions to avoid infinite ternary chaining
— chained comparison operators (a <= b < c)
— Simpler JSX

It already has VS Code extension and build plugins for most build systems

#typescript #tools
Viem — TypeScript interface for Ethereum

Viem is an alternative Ethereum library for JavaScript. Can be used instead of ethers.


— Abstractions over the JSON-RPC API to make your life easier
— First-class APIs for interacting with Smart Contracts
— Language closely aligned to official Ethereum terminology
— Browser native BigInt, instead of large BigNumber libraries
— Utilities for working with ABIs
— Type-safe with EIP-712
— Supports Anvil and Hardhat

Soon this library will replace ethers in wagmi

#typescript #web3 #webdev #ethereum #library #lib #jslib
moon — A task runner and monorepo management tool for the web ecosystem, written in Rust

— Supports JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, Go, Ruby, and more.
— Collects inputs from multiple sources to ensure builds are deterministic and reproducible.
— Persists builds, hashes, and caches between teammates and CI/CD environments.
— Incremental builds
— Multi-platform

#tools #typescript #rust #webdev
Node.js 20 released

What's new:
— Deno-like Permission system with CLI flags and process.permission API
— Synchronous import.meta.resolve
— Stabilized Test Runner
— Ada (a fast URL parser written in C++) is now used with significant performance boost

#release #nodejs #backend
2024/06/30 21:41:00
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